A la quatrieme (ah-la-cot-ree-em) |
to the 4th position |
A la seconde (ah-la-se-cohnd) |
to the 2nd position |
A terre (ah-tair) |
on the ground |
Adagio (u-dah-gee-oh) |
slow |
Allegro (u-leg-grow) |
fast |
Allongé (o-lohn-jay) |
elongated |
Arabesque (air-u-besk) |

pose |
Assemblé (o-som-blay) |
assemble |
Attitude |
pose |
Baisé (bay-zay) |
lower |
Balancé (bal-un-say) |
rocking step |
Balancoire (bal-un-swar) |
swinging |
Ballonné (ball-oh-nay) |
bounced |
Ballotté (ball-oh-tay) |
tossed |
Battement (baht-ma) |
kick |
Battu (baht-two) |
beat |
Bourré (boo-ray) |
little steps |
Bras (brah) |
arms |
Cambré (cahm-bray) |
arch |
Chaines (shen-nay) |
chain step |
Changement (shange-ma) |
change |
Chassé (shah-say) |
chase |
Contretemps (cahn-tru-tom) |
counter-time |
Corps (core) |
body |
Coupé (coo-pay) |
cut |
Couru (core-oo) |
run |
Croisé (kwah-zay) |
crossed |
De coté (day-coh-tay) |
sideways |
Degagé (day-ga-jay) |

disengaged |
Demi (de-mee) |
half/small |
Derriere (dair-ee-air) |
back |
Dessous(oo) (day-soo) |
under |
Dessus(oh) (day-soh) |
over |
Detourné (day-tour-nay) |
turn around |
Devant (du-vahnt) |
front |
Developpé (day-vel-oh-pay) |
develope |
Écarté (ay-car-tay) |
thrown apart |
Échappé (ay-shah-pay) |
escape |
Effacé (ay-fah-say) |
facing |
Elancé (ee-lahn-say) |
dart |
Elevé (el-lah-vay) |
lifted (straight knees) |
Emboité (ahm-bwah-tay) |
box-like |
En arriere (on-air-ree-air) |
backward |
En avant (on-u-vahnt) |
forward |
En bas (on-bah) |
low |
En croix (on-cwah) |
shape of a cross |
En dedans (on-day-dahn) |
inward |
En dehors (on-day-ohr) |
outward turn |
En face (on-fahs) |
facing (front) |
En haut (on-oh) |
height |
En l´air (on-lair) |
in the air |
Entrechat (ontru-shah) |
interweaving |
Envelopé (on-vel-oh-pay) |
envelope |
Epaulé (ay-poll-lay) |
shouldered |
Failli (f-I-yee) |
giving way |
Fermé (fair-may) |
closed |
Fondue (fahn-doo) |
melt |
Fouetté (fwah-tay) |
whip |
Frappé (frah-pay) |
strike |
Glissade (glee-sahd) |
glide |
Grande (grahnd) |
big |
Hauteur (ah-tour) |
height |
Jambe (jahm) |
leg |
Jeté (je-tay) |
throw |
Ouvert (oh-vair) |
open |
Pas (pah) |
step |
Pas de chat (pah-du-shah) |
step of the cat |
Pas de cheval (pah-du-shu-vall) |
step of the horse |
Passé (pah-say) |

pass |
Petit (pu-teet) |
little |
Pied (pee-yaid) |
foot |
Piqué (pee-kay) |
prick |
Pirouette (peer-oh-wet) |
spin |
Plié (plee-yay) |
bend |
Port de bras (pohr-du-brah) |
movement of the arms |
Port de corps (pohr-du-cohr) |
movement of the body |
Quatre (cot-tru) |
four |
Relevé (rell-lu-vay) |

rise (from plié) |
Retiré (ret-teer-ray) |
retire, rest |
Rond de jambe (rohn-du-jahm) |
circle of the leg |
Royal (rohy-al) |
royal |
Sauté (soh-tay) |
jump |
Serré (sair-ray) |
continuous |
Sissone (see-sohn) |
guy’s name |
Soubresaut (soo-bru-soh) |
spring |
Sous-sus (soo-soo) |
under-over |
Soutenu (soo-tu-noo) |
sustained |
Temps levé (tom-lu-vay) |
time lifted |
Temps lié (tom-lee-yay) |
time connected |
Tendue (than-doo) |

stretch |
Tombé (tohm-bay) |
fall |
Tour (toor) |
turn in the air |
Trios (twah) |
three |