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January 2003 : 1 2 15 24
Wednesday, January 1 2003 New Year's Day
Event Title: No Classes

Thursday, January 2 2003
Event Title: Classes Resume

Event Title: Late Payment for this Month
Payments are due on the 15th of the preceding month and a $10 late fee will be charged after the 1st of the month, unless prior notification is given to drop a class.

Make-up lessons may be arranged by checking the schedule.

Wednesday, January 15 2003
Event Title: Next Month's Payment Due Date
Payments are now due for the upcoming month.

Payments are due on the 15th of the preceding month and a $10 late fee will be charged after the 1st of the month, unless prior notification is given to drop a class.

Make-up lessons may be arranged by checking the schedule.

Friday, January 24 2003
Event Title: Parents Night Out
Time: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
The "Parents Night Out" Pizza Party is for children 5 - 12 years old. Parents can drop thier kids off (boys or girls) at 6:00 PM for pizza and organized activities. Enjoy an evening out without having to drive a babysitter to and from your house ... and without completely depleting your food supply. Reservations are required at least 3 days in advance, space is limited. The fee for the pizza night will be $25 per child (includes pizza) and pick up time is 10:00 PM.

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